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During the First Interstellar War, negotiations were made between the Novus Initium Republic and the United Vitam State to study and examine each other’s military technology, namely the idea of developing electromagnetic or EM warheads by the Republic and using shield boosters and laser weapons on State ships. However, while the EM warheads and shield boosters were successfully developed and deployed, the State had a hard time trying to implement the laser weaponry due to the power supply needed for those weapons. When the Camino Star Empire entered the war on the side of the Republic and the State, the State was quick to see about negotiations of their versatile missile launchers with the EM warheads for the Empire’s less-energy consuming hybrid turrets. The two struck a deal without the Republic knowing and started to develop ships, namely destroyers and cruisers, with the new weapons. These ships were first deployed to the Dellino System that was under Republic occupation near the end of the First Interstellar War to enforce their joint operations in the former Lykan system.

When it came time for the Camino Star Empire to look at modifying their Taranis-Class Destroyers, the change compared to the United Vitam State’s Raptor was rather minor as the Taranis was only modifying some of the weapons, and did not need the shield booster system like the State did as the Empire’s nanocell armor repairer system already suiting their defensive needs. The Empire chose to keep all of the Taranis’ 19 dual light railguns for use in long range engagements. However, the Empire reduced the 33 light blaster cannons for use in short to medium range engagements down to 15. This allowed them to install up to 18 light missile launchers with the new EM warheads to use against the Kingdom. The ship still retains the large bore blaster cannon for heavy forward firing engagements. The missiles, unlike the ammo for the hybrid guns, take up far more room. In order to accommodate the warheads, the ammo supply on board was reduced but the Empire sees this as an acceptable exchange as it means it has more ammo to spread and resupply other ships with. The Empire converted all of its Taranis’ to the Type 2 variant a couple of months after the war.

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